The Event API accepts events in JSON format, allowing for great flexibility in the types of data that can be sent to Appuri.


  • Required Content-Type: x-ldjson
  • Optional Content-Encoding: gzip should be set if sending GZIP'ed data.


The Event API requires authentication via a header. Set Authorization: Bearer <key>, replacing key with the Event Write Key available in the Settings > Credentials tab. The event write key can only be used to write events to Appuri.

Compressed, multi-line requests

While you can send one event at a time to Appuri, we strongly recommend posting Gzip compressed event batches. Appuri can easily ingest 1 billion events per day if you use this method.

$ curl '' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/x-ldjson' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer <key>' \
        --header 'Content-Encoding: gzip' \
        --data-binary @events.ldjson.gz


Note for Windows developers

Make sure to use a single newline "\n" in your files


Limits on Event API

  • You can open multiple requests to the Event API. We recommend a concurrency level of 5 or 10.
  • The maximum length of time a connection to the Event API can be open is 60 minutes.